Dave had some very fixed ideas about the look of his book, as illustrators often do. Over time we developed a look he was thrilled with, even sending me a stunning illustration of a saddleback as I was 'saddled with a pedantic artist'. I was equally thrilled when it was highly commended for Best Use of Illustrations in the 2005 Spectrum Print Design Awards.
This glorious celebration of all things West just managed to come out before the Auckland Super City swallowed Waitakere whole. This 480 page behemoth came out in two editions, soft and boxed, and contains the most comprehensive coverage of all aspects of life in this unique part of Auckland. As all of us know who live here, West is Best, and will continue to be so . . .
A great, big landscape book for a great, big 'landscape' project. Christopher Johnstone's journey through New Zealand's landscape painting tradition called for sensitive treatment of the wealth of beautiful images and was Highly Commended for Best Use of illustration at the Spectrum Awards.
Happy to assist in Simon Hertnon's attempt to bring back useful lost words such as ballicatter, curglaff and sprezzatura.
How to use Gil Hanly's gorgeous garden images in a clean, modern way without being a complete design barbarian. I don't usually Photoshop images like this but Gil was very happy with the result which lends the poems a slightly eerie quality.
New Holland asked me to revamp the cover of their iconic encyclopedia.
Derek Grzelewski's The Trout Diaries is a very personal journey through some of the world-class rivers that are scattered throughout New Zealand. Mixing profound musings with strictly practical information, Derek manages to capture the exhilaration of hooking into that elusive fish. I should know, my inability to catch trout is legendary.
MORE ON Derek Grzelewski . . .
Peter Ryan writes brilliantly about hunting, so I reached into my inner Hemmingway to produce a design that reflected this. So it was very gratifying to get a review like this from Rod & Rifle magazine: 'When it comes to design, typography, illustrations and all round printing excellence, few publishers would beat Bateman; what a pleasure it is to review a hunting and fishing book that reeks quality.'
MORE ON Peter Ryan . . .